It is a hole in the back like center in the back it burned through all the way to my skin. I had the jacket a shirt and a wife beater and it went all the way to my skin. How would i fix it or make it unnoticeable.
Get yourself a can of silicone spray and lubricate the bushings. This may help if they are just dry and not completely worn out. Shock bushings shouldn't need it since they are new but spring bushings and anti-sway bar bushings do. It may take several applications to get the m lubricated because the lubricant has to be worked in. Don't use oil based lubricants like wd40 as they will eat the rubber.
Squeaks and rattles are very tricky to locate! Look to the bushings. The sway bar bushings are most likely the culprit.
Get an iron on applique from walmart,michaels or hobby lobby for the back of your jacket.
Don't use a patch. You'll melt the jacket with the high heat you need. The only way to make it less noticeable is to SEW a patch on. Other than that, it can't be fixed.
First of all if there are fused edges on the hole cut them off. You need to get fabric glue and a similar fabric from the fabric store or a pair of gloves you want to make a patch bigger then the hole glue the inside of the jacket and the patch and press it together.from the back. Now to make it invisible you want to turn it over and shred as tiny as humanly possible more fabric. put glue on the hole and put the fibers. then use compression to fuse the fibers to the glue and jacket. When the glue is dry go over the spot with a warm.not hot iron and a cloth over it and STEAM. It should be almost undetectable then.