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circuit for fire alarms ?

i need a circuit diagram for fire alarms and there must be a bimetallic strip inside it .


all the other answers believe there is a law preventing anyone from being fired for getting hurt on the job, they obviously have no HR training or management experience, it is legal, but to your story, your BF did the right thing he took care of himself, now you need to file suit against the WC DR. and the employers insurance company. because of worker comp you cannot sue your employer directly. your bf with the right attorney should make out pretty well
Have you checked your house for high carbon monoxide readings. Get a carbon monoxide detector and check. If it goes off, you MUST contact a technician to check your furnace or any other sources of heat. In the meantime air out your house by leaving a few windows open. If it is not a carbon monoxide problem, it could be allergens in your mattress. Vacuum the mattress thoroughly and flip it over and do the other side. Do you have a feather pillow or comforter, which can also cause allergic reactions. You can also have a mould problem so have an air quality specialist check the air in your home. Best of Luck
I agree that you should check carbon monoxide levels right away.One other thing to think about is mold because if you have a small leak in a wall you'll never see it so if the carbon levels are good get ahold of the health department and ask for someone to come check for mold.

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