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co sleeper fell off the bed..?

Last night i put baby to bed, well she fell off the bed.. has thid ever happened to you? i felt horrible!


How old ? As long as she is not tiny she's just fine. I wouldn't feel bad did she cry extra long or something ? My three year old normally naps on the couch and has rolled off she's also fallen off my bed maybe three times over the years I can't even think of specific instances but I'm sure it's happened. I remember falling off my moms bed before as a child I didn't feel mad toward my mom lol I just rolled off , oops. Your baby will be fine just don't make it a habit to push her over ;) I'm kidding ! Cheer up mama it happens !
There are guards, like netting, that you can put at the side of a bed. Also, lotsa people pile pillows on the floor for the child to land on. ;) ~Cindy! :)
My brother fell between the mattress and the headboard when he was less than a year old. He was fine. It happens! Just try to make a blockade of pillows and maybe get one of those guards for the side of the bed of you#x27;re worried :)
Yes. My son who is 2 fell of the bed a few weeks ago. There was four of us in bed and he fell out. He crieD when he fell out so I picked him up nd put him back in bed and he fell asleep. I felt terrible and couldn't sleep the rest of the night

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