
What is Light??

What is light? most light is from a light bulb but what makes it well...LIGHT!? what light sorces are there and what and why it makes them light up?


Visible light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from 400 nanometers - 770 nanometers violet indigo blue green yellow orange red any object that appears to be one of these colors can be either reflecting or transmitting the color. If it is a source it must be producing the color by incandescense (burning). That is by heating up. The hotter colors are blue radiation and the cooler ones are the reds. Or at the subatomic level it could be radiating light by releasing energy in a special way like a laser does. shorter than 400 is ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays longer than 770 is infrared, microwaves,radiowaves, etc,
What your calling light is electromagneitc radiation in a frequency that your eyes can see... Anything releasing those frequencies of electromagneitc radiation could be considered a light soruce (flames, lasers, etc...)

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