Cold Air Intake for 2008 Scion Tc?
As someone said, swing with a more sweeping action with long irons. Hit them like you hit a fairway wood and you'll probably see an improvement.
Thats all you need to do is choke up on them a little bit. Your short irons are shorter than the long irons so by choking up on the you get a semi-consistant length to all of your clubs. GOOD LUCK!
On my longer shots I make sure I set up with a tight grip and make a full turn with my shoulders. Instead of trying to manipulate the club like I do with my wedges a lot. Then also Start on the range with your longest iron and it will make the rest easier to hit.
1. It is one of the cheapest I've seen. However, I'd go with a bigger exhaust long before I worried about the intake. If you match up a cold air intake with some nice headers, a racing catalytic converter, a racing muffler, and a larger exhaust system, you'll have the best horsepower you can get. But if you're looking for the best cheap increase, find a decent muffler, and have a shop do what they can to increase the size of your exhaust system. My tC has a 2.5-3 catback exhaust with a racing muffler. It's almost like a night and day difference in the feel of the power when you compare it to a stock 5spd tC. Spend $150 on your exhaust, and table the intake for now. You'll get more bang for your buck, and people can always see your shiny new muffler!
first off, you never buy anything from OKorder performance wise. you always go for name brand things, or a known company selling the part. a cold ari intake for the tC will do some good 5-10whp difference, depending on where you live because of altitude and ambient temperature. some short ram intakes have given the tC 7whp on automatic transmissions so you can expect a little more from a cold air intake. as an example the tC has 161bhp and that is roughly 140 hp to the wheels. some guy only over on youtube has an exhaust and cold air intake and is making over 161bhp, the cause, the location he lives, the ambient air has a stronger charge in his area. so that plays a part in how much power you get from an intake. you should just hold off on doing anything to the car for a while till you have the money in the future, as for the drop in filter like the other guy said, tell someone you want that for christmas or something, because if you buy it, youre just throwing away money that you can use in the future for a cold air intake, or turbo kit (which comes with its own intake.) something you can look into if you are short on money is an NST (Non Stop Tuning) engine crank pulley. should get you10-12hp for about $110 bucks, its cheap and not hard to install, you do need an impact wrench though. or the ATI dampr pulley which is similar as the NST, but less worrysome than the NST when it comes to turboing the car.