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Color arrangement of large logarithmic cables

Color arrangement of large logarithmic cables


The whole spectrum of meaning: refers to any of the cable core wire, can be identified by the unit at all levels of the tie line on the color and color, in other words, we can find the outlet to get on line, line line number on you can say.4. chromatography: use ten colors (leading color indicates a line, cycle color indicates B line)
Cable type and identification: the cable model is the code for identifying the specifications, programs and uses of cables. In accordance with the use, core wire structure, wire material, insulation materials, protective layer materials, outer protective layer materials, respectively, with different Chinese phonetic alphabet and digital to express, known as the cable model. As shown in the following figure:[example]HYA - 100 x 2 x 0.5 copper core, solid polyolefin insulation, coated aluminium bonding, shielding capacity of 100, to local communication pair type, the diameter of 0.5mm plastic cable.
Full plastic cable and its structure: all cable core, insulation layer, cable core, blanket layer, tie and sheath are made of high polymer plastic cable, called plastic city communications cables. The structure of the full plastic cable is mainly composed of a cable core (mainly made up of core wires, core wires, insulation, cable core insulation, cable core and tie tape, etc.), shielding layer, sheath and outer protective layer.

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