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Constantly locked jaw?

I used to chew gum 24/7, three pieces at a time, sometimes 2 packs in a day. My jaw started to get locked constantly, so I stopped in September. I haven't chewed a single piece since, but my jaw id STILL locked! Sometimes, I can't even unlock it for a good 5-10 minutes. My jaw muscles are always tight and I'm getting a bit frustrated with it. Is there nothing else I could do to relax it?


complain to local factory inspector ot labor commissioner
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In parliamentary law to offer a dependable and healthy work environment the employer or user of machinery should evaluate the danger attached to any condition or state of affairs which may originate from their employment activities.
Here are full instructions on making a kaleidoscope.
The jurisdiction in which the company is registered ( State or City ) should have a Safety Inspection Board, with inspectors who respond to complaints by workers. There are basic minimum levels of equipment that are required to be provided by the employer, or they can be fined by the safety inspectors on a site visit. In some places, work has to be stopped, until the proper safety equipment is available to the workers. Call and make a complaint, and tell the inspector where you are working, so they can do a surprise work site visit. They will not mention who complained, to your boss. Good Luck. Jim B. Toronto.

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