How much does it cost to buy new car tires for your car.
really 15hp is a load of bs the most you'll get is 3 to 6 id recommend bomz piping with a kn filter same aluminum pipe for $100 less reason for intakes is for sound and better airflow thru the engine.
It depends on where the kind of tire you are looking for and for what kind of vehicle - I just bought kick butt snow tires for my Grand AM - all told it came to over $700. I would research the kind of tire you want, then price them out at your local places - a lot of the time, they will price match.
Well, there were last time I counted 1,740 different sizes of passenger or light truck tire and over 100 major tire manufacturers offering thousands of different models of tires. Could you be a bit more specific?
I just bought new tires for my 2005 Nissan Altima. I didn't buy the top of the line, just the basic tires, and still spent nearly $500. The cost of tires has skyrocketed the last ten years. But, on the other hand, I got more than 70,000 out of the original tires, and I know tire quality has improved over those same ten years.