After how many miles should you rotate your tires on a car
Howard as soon as you see any indication of wear on the steer tires especially on the inner and outer edge's even if just slightly you should do this. now as general rule take the mileage your tires are expected to be good for ( 60,000 as an example) and divide this by 4 (3 is acceptable though) and use the figure as a base to do it. so on the 60,000 mile tire do it at 15,000. they will last much longer that way.
id do it after every oil change,i know its a lot to do but it'll get you the most life out of your tires
i wil give you a hint go SHOPPING for a tire any store once you find a tire in size push down on it softer the tire less the mileage shorter the life but better the handling a harder tire last longer gets better fuel mileage any name brand tire wil be fine every one wil have what they like best but might not be what you or your car likes best you talk with a tire store and help you choose coul dtype into search box best tire for year model of your car best tire for rain best tire for snow best all season best mileage best handling best preformance geting my point hard to say which it better for your driving sytle or your car you know what it has now you know how they drove you know how long they lasted so go from there could ask a tire store whats better than what tire i have now