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Could a regular magnet set off a store alarm?

I'm talking about a strong magnet like a horse shoe magnet that lifts up to 30 pounds. if you were to walk out of a store with it would if trigger the alarm? and what about walking into other like clothing stores that have alarms. ?????? no big long explanations that I'm not going to understand. just a brief answer, or any important tips please. thank you!


you're lucky to have so many options open to you. sounds like change doesnt come easily to you.dont be afraid of new challenges.you can make new friends.old ones will still be here when you return as will family. true friends would tell you to go for it. why be tied to staying just cos its a safe option? some people would love to be in your position.your sickness could just be plain old nerves.new things are always scary but i hope you do go or else you'll be looking back in years to come thinking if only..
Bring an emergency kit: candles, lighters, winter jacket, boots, tuque, gloves, long johns, chocolate, shovel etc. Just in case your car dies on the road. Do NOT use any back roads it's not worth it. Stay on the trans Canada hwy. If you have GPS great but bring a map. I drove from Toronto to Vancouver with a friend and we got lost on the way home. If you go through the states, I believe you have to have a passport now even driving! You'd have to google that but it is a new law. Just not sure if it's in effect right now. It takes me 16 hours to drive from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Toronto. To be safe give yourself a full week to get to your destination. Most normal people can drive 8 - 12 hours a day. Anymore than that and you're risking not only your life but innocent people on the road. ALSO, be aware that studded tires are illegal in Ontario and several other Canadian provinces. If you get pulled over the cop might fine you for that.
That would be highly unusual. Most systems being installed today use some combination of door/window sensors, motion sensors, and glass break detectors. The glass break detectors are acoustical devices that cover an area, and can hear the specific frequency made by breaking glass. There are older technologies that rely on vibration (often called shock sensors) that mounted on individual windows, but you don't see as many of these any more. When I first started in the alarm industry (over 2 decades ago!) the shock sensors were not so uncommon - but today they are virtually impossible to find for new installations, especially in homes. Furthermore, even with shock sensors, it's almost unheard of for a car alarm to set off a home security system - just not sure how that is possible.The best systems today use cellular monitoring (no phone or internet line required, and nothing for an intruder to cut!) - and it should not cost much extra for that level of reliability. You also want interactive features, like remote arm/disarm, apps for hand-held devices, text and email notifications, and even video and smart home features and functionality. These are things the big boys are not offering. As for simplicity, you can even find DIY systems, which means you can add sensors any time, and move the system with you. Nor should a good system cost a lot - but we advise folks to be careful: shop well, and check the reputation of every company you consider, through on-line reviews.

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