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could attaching two electrical wires to sides of your head cause a brain aneurysm?

I did something very dumb, took a notebook adapter, 19.5 volts 4.62 amps, and atached the two wires to both sides of my head i held it there for sometime and all of a sudden one end got real hot,and I felt the most emotionally depressing , painful feeling in that area. like a frying sensation.I am worried because my head, that exact spot has been hurting on and off for a couple days now, and i have sometime mild pain in and above the eye, which is a symptom of aneurysm.does anyone in here, with knowledge of physics, know what would passing a current like that do to brain tissue?should I be worried, go to ER or just wait a few more days.?


You must go straight away to the ER, unless you think you're going to become Electro
Definitely go to the ER, the worse it can be is a brain aneurysm, the best a mild headache. Get yourself checked out, and I recommend in the future don't be as dumb as this! Yes, see the octoroon, they might scan your head and then if necessary, remove the problem. I am familiar with Physics, but unaware of the current which could affect the brain tissue. Probably do some damage at the least. Better to be safe then sorry, hey? Dr Dan (Also when you said you attached two hot wires to your head, was it by your ears?)

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