I live on the second floor and I want replace the carpet with wood or tile. A friend told me if the floor is not leveled, it cost a lot to level it. My question is: Could second floor be unleveled? I thought only first floors could be unleveled.
any floor can be unlevel but they do make a floor leveling compound any good hardware store or big box will carry it easy to use
Second story floors can be and often are out of level. Even more important than levelness, though, is flatness. It is o.k. if your floor slopes a little. If it has dips and humps in it though, these will have to be adressed before new flooring is installed. If you install tile, a cement leveling compound can be used. If wood, the unevenness will need to be fixed structurally. 3/16 difference in a 6' span is the most unevenness allowable. If you have more detailed questions feel free to email.