I have several 17 inch universal display, and several 15 inch monitors want to sell, please give us a reference price, and now the purchase price is generally how much ah?
This 15 sell CPT can buy 50 pieces, the other you can sell 10, 17 sold 100 pieces of professional recycling of CPT, CPT, CPT as long as partial color can not aging. Recycle back to do TV, again can use, ha ha. 17 of flat screen displays, 170, 15 inch 150.
As follows:1, the CRT display has been out of the market, and gradually replaced by LCD and high definition display.2, CRT display recycling price: with understanding, 17 inches in 70 yuan, 15 inches of about 50 yuan.3, according to the location, the display price is also different.
17 of about 100 yuan, 15 of the difficult to sell, and give money to sell it.I suggest to yangjie7850, we here 17 of the 160 or so flat, like a TV display tube and tube like different things, do TV sell? Ha-ha! Plus the TV box?