I was having problems with my fuel flow. I replaced my fuel filter and the car ran better. The check engine light went off,and all the stalling stopped. On the e-way this morning,I turned on my cruise control. When I got off the e-way my car was acting up again!!! It is stalling again!! This is a 99 ford escort zx2 hot. The check engine light is back on too!
Escorts are notorious for over heating problems that cause those maladies to happen. You have to check the engine closely for any minute leaks of coolant. Usually the thermostat has to be replaced with a cooler rating so it opens sooner preventing that problem provided there are no leaks. Come smog check time, you`ll have to switch back to the hotter thermostat or it won`t pass smog.
The cruise control has nothing to do with your stalling. The fuel pump is probably bad too from working to get past the clogged filter. it just happened to die after you used the cruise control.
Cruise control does not effect your fuel flow. The cruise cable links from the Cruise Control Servo to the throttle arm link. You can take a look at the cable to make sure it isn't seizing. Your car probably needs a good tune up.