Dangers of using pink foam to build a bearded dragon cage?
i've noticed most of the answers tell you to smoke from aluminium foilThat's is going to hurt your lungs so much, don't do itThat's poison, inhaling aluminium combustion can cause alzheimerSearch it just do the applebong thingmake a hole on one side of an apple, and an other hole to put the weedboth holes have to be connectedPeace.
This Site Might Help YouRE: What can you use to Smoke Weed with if you dont have a piece? I dont have a pipe or rolling papers, is there something you can make to smoke with? I really need something quick!
Theoretically, if you seal it properly, yesBut I wouldn'tIf you miss a spot, or it breaks or tears, etcAs for ventilation, I would use more in a beardie enclosureYou want a specific hot spot around 105 degrees without the rest of the area being that hotWhich is best achieved by a high wattage spotlight with adequate ventilationAlso, you want low humidity, which is best achieved with ample ventilation What are you building the enclosure out of? What is the purpose of adding this insulation to the sides? The difference between this and the back drops you mentioned, is that the Styrofoam/polystyrene used there is solid, and much safer than fiberglass type insulation.
Take a water bottle put a hole in it an put tin foil over the hole an poke little holes in the foil then put a purge hole in the bottole put the weed in the foil light it hold the purge hole till the bottle fills wit smoke let go of the purge an inhale it
An apple or any fruit/vegetable like itA plastic bottle and some aluminum foilYou can make a pipe with aluminum foil, but it tastes really bad and gets very hotYou can youtube instructions on creating the first two thingsI's type them for you, but I'm on my mobile, too much to type.