I have a tooth with a cavity and it is pretty deep. But i need to know what a rubber dam is because they just said they would use one of those to fill it.
clean the fan and vents of dust
lol. Confront the neightors. Light it on fire. Call the cops. Throw it on their property. Let's start a war with our neighbor over garbage cans. I think your being a little fussy over a mattress that will be there for 1 day. Unless it's going to be there for awhile. But if it really bothers you then the thing to do is just politely ask them to move it. I suppose you can call the cops, but I wouldn't. You want to be nice and kind to your neighbors, because they can make your life hell. You do have the right to ask them to move it.
If you stop and write down the definitions for each term: noun, pronoun and adjective you would be able to do this activity. 1. fire - adjective (describes the type of hydrant) 2. secret-adj. (describe the product) 3. someone-noun 4. flock-noun (geese, is used as adjective here) 5. that-pronoun (refers to a prior statement)