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disarming a house alarm?

my parents put a alarm on the house and i was wondering how i can get out? the alarm is on all of the windows and doors. are there any ways you can disarm it without your parents knowing? or just make it stop working for like a small amount time? also it makes such a loud noise when you arm it or disarm it!!!


I've heard that unless you unplug your computer and tv, or any other appliance, then you're using the same electricity whether it's on or off. Making sure you shut off lights and appliances when you leave a room, and especially when you leave the house helps. I haven't even switched all of my bulbs yet. Don't worry about what kind of bulb it is, just conserve the light. Don't use lights during the day open a window instead.
Short blast - about 1 second Prolong Blast - 4 to 6 seconds There is no long blast signal - a long blast is a great weekend party. maneuvering signals - International signals are given for action being taken. Inland signals are to show intent. 1 short - altering course to starboard so as to pass port to port 2 short - altering course to port so as to pass starboard to starboard 3 short - operating astern propulsion 5 sort - in doubt or danger 1 prolong - Inland leaving dock or blind bend signal Navigation Rules of the Road - 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 deals with signals. Fire and Emergency Continuous ringing of the General Alarm bell for 10 seconds and continuous sounding of the ship's whistle for 10 seconds Abandon Ship 7 or more short blasts on the ship's whistle and General Alarm bell, followed by one prolonged blast Man Overboard 3 prolonged blasts on the ship's whistle and General Alarm bell Dismissal from Drill 3 short blasts on the ship's whistle and General Alarm bell Good Luck - Boat Safe!

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