He is in an outside stall or a pasture most of the time so he's definitely getting a winter coatThe climate where I live isn't particularly cold here, but on the coldest winter nights it can get to around 20 degrees FarenheitSo should I blanket him? Also he's 12 years old and in good health so that's not an issue.
I live in Denmark, and no if you don't have a problem with a thick winter coat, don't blanket your horse unless you know they don't grow a thick coatHorse fare better in all weather without a blanket, putting a blanket on them asholly makes they feel colder, because you are forcing the hairs down, theses hairs normally trap a layer of air that is used as insulationThe only time all my horses wear blankets is if they are out and it's close to freezing and rainingA wet coat and freezing tempritures are not good for a horseAt the moments we are having bellow freezing temperatures and only the horses that are showing are wearing blankets, all my young stock and a few of the horses I have in training are fine going natural(no blanket).
Enamels and other protective compound are generally specifically formulated for the application Adherence to, operating temperature, cure temperature…think of delicate electronicsCannot be bakedThe root sum of all this turns out to be that copper, although expensive is the least expensive material, given all the trade-offsHope this properly answers your question