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do i have what it takes to become a model?

ive always been interested in being a commerical print type of model but i dont know if i really have what it take if i could get some feed back on what i need to improve in or if im even good enough and how to even attempt to get started in it that be great! here's a few links of photos let me know what ya think:)


sand blasting works well if you're doing a large area (like a wall)
i would try one of those extremely high pressure water sprayers made for paint removal
i talk to my exs im not seein any one but u have to realise y bf as a past maybe he has issues to sort out with her dont be to hard on him just be understanding to many accusations can cause arguments i let my bf talk to his ex i trust him if he gunna cheat hell cheat but i trust him goodluck

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