do i put the waterproof crib pad under or over the mattress sheet?
BS. You need to get out more.
That's why I want to move somewhere that they don't have time or resources for things like this. This has been going on for longer than you think. They've threatened to do it here, but haven't so far. I guess they don't want to deal with angry MEXICAN parents. They sure as hell don't care what the rest of us think though. Don't you love how people that don't want to believe it simply choose not to? La la la la la la la la! Not in America! But oh, yes! Right here in America!
Maybe the battery you put in is bad. Try a different battery. Another possibility is that the alarm itself needs replaced. Some alarms have a specific life span. If you do not have a manual for the alarm, you can probably find the company on the internet and they will usually have customer support to assist you.
Doing a search shows that its happening all across the US and some local TV channels report on it. I see some people ignore this but when their own children wake up at night in terror, they might rethink their position on it. Swat teams are now in every town and city across the US and they are used in unusual circumstances. This has been going on since about 2003. The same man Bush chose to head this department up is still in his position under Obama. Some police who have taken part in these raids have spoken out against their use. These raids have caused many deaths of innocent people and police as well because people tend to think they are being attacked rather than raided by law enforcement. They schedule the raids while people are still sleeping and just break in the door without warning. They also get the wrong address at times. I remember when I was in elementary school, we had drills in case of nuclear attack but they stopped them because they felt it was psychologically damaging to the children. In a nuclear attack there is no time to duck under your desk or file in line down to the basement anyway.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!