Do point type smoke detectors detect cooking fumes?
The smoke detector in the water vapor, smoke, fog, cooking fumes, smoke all these surrounded by smoke detectors, smoke detectors are installed in the alarm, so under such smoke fire detector is not just to produce smoke, but not cooking, smoking etc.;
Classification of smoke sensorsThere are many kinds of smoke sensors, and the detection principle can be divided into three major categories:(a)Smoke sensors using physical and chemical properties: such as semiconductor smoke sensors, and contact burning smokeSensors, etc..(b)Smoke sensors using physical properties, such as thermal conductivity smoke sensors, light interference smoke sensors,Infrared sensors, etc..(c)Smoke sensors using electrochemical properties, such as current type smoke sensors, and potentiometric gas sensorsSuch device.
In addition, if the fire alarm use appliances / smoke smoke, causing the alarm, so that the neighbors thought that the neighbor fire in need of relief, this alarm belongs to false alarm, this harassment to neighbors, and if the fire at home we will not believe, not to help disaster relief.