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Do you think Harry Whittington should be able to shoot Dick Cheney in the face?

Do you think Harry Whittington should be able to shoot Dick Cheney in the face?


I kinda like it when said 'chicks' take off those firesuits
Forest fires!When militant environmentalists prevent the logging industry to harvest trees in forests there are no roads put in, no fire hydrants or water lines, no brush clean up and no culling of marketable trees - sounds good if you are an environmentalist! However, when a forest fire breaks out there is no way to get the fire trucks to the fire, no water to fight the fires with and the brush feeds the fires. Usable trees for our industrial needs are destroyed along with millions of animals! Some dams prevent fish from spawning, some wind power devices are supposed act like a gigantic Cuisinart, grinding up birds. Fish ladders are built in to the design. Ground up birds, don't think this really happens a lot, birds are much too smart! Coal - well some temporary disruption of the surface area, perhaps some trees that birds could use are taken down. But, the area is filled in, leveled off and even small lakes may be created. Trees are planted, etc. birds return! Obama wants to shut down the coal industry so this should not be a problem, other than higher prices to heat your homes and to run our industry at a profit! Oil pipelines actually attract sexual activity in the animals that frequent that area. Access roads along side the pipelines allow for fire fighting apparatus to get to any fires that break out, thereby saving millions of animals! Any spills are few and far between and quickly attended to! Crude oil is a natural by product of our earth anyway, there is normal oil seepage in lots of places. Some drunk hunters shoot the oil pipe lines but most of the deliberate damage to oil pipelines are from environmentalists out to prove how dangerous to wildlife that oil pipelines are! Spills are quickly attended to! Forest fires are the most damaging! In the US, out west every time you see or read about forest fires burning out of control they almost always start in forests that logging was forbidden!

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