I LOVED that showhead crusherchicken ladyso good
I remember the name but I only vaguely remember the show. I was more of a Saved By the Bell fan.
I too thought it to be quite brillant and pretty favorable show. The shows they have today I don't get alot of them personally. Looks like the pathethic Greeen Thumpster Munster is out today and tonight! What a shame you are have Nothing bettter to do Huh?
Yep, still watch reruns on The Comedy Network in Canada.
All I know of them is a movie they made called Kids in the Hall's Brain Candy. It's a movie about a fictional drug company that discovers a drug which makes people really happy but ends up with some bad side effects. I've worked in the pharmaceutical industry and I thought that film was both hysterical and brilliant!
I LOVED that show! I haven't seen it in years. I'm CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUSHING your head.