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Does getting a pallet expander hurt a lot?

I'm getting a pallet expander put on soon and I'm pretty nervous. Does it hurt a lot? How long will the pain last? Does turning the key hurt the most? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I really would like to know. Any type of website dedicated to that would help too. Thx!


M-A-C custom palette!!!! u can put on any color u want! coastal scents 88 coor palette
bh cosmetics party girl pallte
BH Cosmetics or Coastal Scents eyeshadow palettes I heard are really good.
i use dinair airbrush makeup and they have such pretty eyeshadow colors...i love to mix some of the colors together in the airbrush and then i end up with endless amounts of colors...ive used their makeup for a long time now and its amazing...i hope i helped in some way =)
BH Cosmetics 120 Color Eyeshadow Palette 2nd Edition by BHCosmetics

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