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Does this make you go &hmmmm&?

There was an article on the front page of the newspaper about a poor family who could not afford to fix the furnace, therefore they had no heat. They had 4 space heaters plugged into a frayed extension cord. They had all 4 gas burners burning for heat. They had a smoke detector, but it was broken. The first sentence said that it was so cold in soso's house, that the water in the dog's bowl was frozen. Also, the woman in the picture was wearing a short sleeve shirt. How many things are wrong here, or is it just me??


Photons have zero *rest* mass, but they have momentum. By going at the speed of light, they acquire a virtual mass, since they have energy and energy is equivalent to matter. Does the fact that you are getting on with particle physics questions an indication that you completely ran out of arguments in other, less demanding domains already?
How many calories a day should i consume?
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Well it will be Ambrose causing the Shield to break up. He's just mad that Roman is getting all the spot light and pins. When was the last time Ambrose nailed his finished and the pinfall. Lately it's been Reigns getting the pinfalls for The Shield after Reigns hits the Spear.
Try eating diarrhea, it may make you spray out breath mints.

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