We have an oval Dolce Vita dog bed that someone gave us, but no owner's manual. It's the medium size, I think, about three feet across. When it is plugged in and our pet is sleeping in it overnight, can it safely:a) have additional blankets on it?b) be on a couch or other upholstered surface?c) be on carpeting or a rug?d) be in an enclosed area, such as a dog crate?My dog doesn't like to be too close to the floor, and he likes a roof over his head (we usually tent a blanket for him). We got the bed not because he is ill or infirm, but because, although he is young, he is a breed that gets cold very easily, and we thought this would be cheaper than keeping the heat at 70 all night long.Yes, I know he's spoiled rotten talk to the paw.
Yeah, I live in Washington State, same thing within the state. WE, (the liberal west coast) supply the money and the conservative side of the state takes the welfare. We have the jobs and use the education. We pay for their education and infrastructure. Oregon is the same way EDIT: Mamadixi it certainly is truejust like the FACTS that the RED States have more teenage pregnancies and abortions. The cities make the money in most states and they are LIBERAL!
What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like such a hack? The hate and anger from your side never ends. Go grab your sickle and hammer and sing to the mother land
why do you think that all Republicans are white collar workers and all Dems are blue collar workers? It just is not true.
If you want to install software on a non administrator account on win7, All you have to do is to elevate user/ secondary logon. Right click the application installer and click run as administrator
Wow. All this time I thought it was me working 12 hour days to earn my pay to put food on my table and clothes on my back. Hmm!? I guess it's true, you do learn something new everyday.