Density Mass/Volume, or in symbolic terms, d m/v And Volume Length x Width x Height Well, if you had a sheet of aluminum foil, you could very easily determine how long it was on two sides by directly measuringThen the only unknown is the Height which in this case would be its thicknessIt would also be easy enough to weight itif we call length x width Area, or just A, you have So you'd have d m/AxThicknessSolving for Thickness (T)you have T m/(A x d)
No, It goes soggy if you leave the lid on
I usually cover it till it's about 3/4 of the way done ( when the juices run sort of light pink, but not quite clear) if I'm doing it in the oven and uncover the last little bit so it browns just a bit before it's doneI've found if you leave it uncovered the entire roasting time, it gets quite dry, like a chicken breast will do, since pork loin is quite lean as wellBut my favorite way to do it is in the crock pot, it comes out extremely moist and tender!
Density Mass/Volume, or in symbolic terms, d m/v And Volume Length x Width x Height Well, if you had a sheet of aluminum foil, you could very easily determine how long it was on two sides by directly measuringThen the only unknown is the Height which in this case would be its thicknessIt would also be easy enough to weight itif we call length x width Area, or just A, you have So you'd have d m/AxThicknessSolving for Thickness (T)you have T m/(A x d)
No, It goes soggy if you leave the lid on
I usually cover it till it's about 3/4 of the way done ( when the juices run sort of light pink, but not quite clear) if I'm doing it in the oven and uncover the last little bit so it browns just a bit before it's doneI've found if you leave it uncovered the entire roasting time, it gets quite dry, like a chicken breast will do, since pork loin is quite lean as wellBut my favorite way to do it is in the crock pot, it comes out extremely moist and tender!