How can you keeps the family dog from jumping on the sofa?
Easy, put aluminum foil on the sofa when you are not using it. They hate the feel of it.
There are three ways: Get rid of the family dog Get rid of the sofa Keep the family dog out of the room with the sofa.
Well I would try walking over to him and firmly tell him No when he does it, tell him to Get down or get off of the sofa ____ . Eventually he should get the idea but when he does get down after you tell him so, say Good boy!! and be very happy about it then tell him to sit, stay for about 30 secs or so... so he is focused on pleasing You... then grab a treat and offer it to him. I would also then show him to a place where he is welcome to romp around or lay upon. he should most definately have a comfy spot to play on although I agree it should probably not be the livingroom couch!! ~GL!!
Train him... Don't let him on the sofa at all for any reason at any time. Don't allow him in the room unless someone is there to keep him off of it. Every time he gets up there make him get down. When he starts to get up there tell him No and don't allow him to jump up. You have to teach him it's not what you want him to do.
dogs like soft squishy furniture just like we do. they'll always opt for that over anything else. get him a lrg floor pillow and put something on the couch when you go out.