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Fierro means iron in spanish?

Fierro means iron in spanish?Does fierro mean iron in spanish? I grew up calling it fierro as a kidtex mex spanglish uses this


put in a paper bag and put in veggie bin
Store them in a dark dry place you could keep some pete over them but just don't let fungus get to them
Fierro DOES mean iron. But it's a dated word. Hierro is much more common in today's usage.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Fierro means iron in spanish? Fierro means iron in spanish? Does fierro mean iron in spanish? I grew up calling it fierro as a kid tex mex spanglish uses this
fierro and hierro both mean 'iron'. Actually, 'fierro' is an older version of 'hierro' (many words that in Old Spanish had F, in modern Spanish start with H), that has not become extinct. Both have almost the same uses, specially when referring to tools or items made of that material (una olla de fierro/hierro; fierro/hierro fundido). But 'fierro' has several specifics meanings, more colloquial. And 'hierro' is the only one used when talking about the raw mineral and the chemical element: una mina de hierro (not de fierro) an iron mine; átomos de hierro (iron atoms).

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