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Finding iron ore? metallic material?

The past couple years, in my area (northcentral PA), we have received consistent near-flood conditions in the spring thaw. The streams and rivers are so drastically changed. In one area severely carved out recently, I have found large chunks of metal. They usually have some rock/stone connected (like layered onto). I took one of the smaller pieces and cut it in half with an industrial saw. The inside is a shiny,silver, very coarse composition. Most of it is attracted to magnets. What am I finding? Also, the largest piece located was an irregular slab/pillar shape about 3 dia. and 20 long; weighing an est. 40 lbs.


Hi Bubby, The response to the magnet means iron,No question about it,You're welcome tecops jack
Thats kind of hard to answer without seeing a picture of both the site and the object, maybe upload some to photobucket and post the links in an edit? Since its attracted to magnets theres obviously magnetite (maybe ilmenite) present, but as to how it formed would depend on the rocks around it. If there is sandstones or other sedimentary units around the objects probably formed by supergene enrichment. Or if they are non sedimentary units it could be some hydrothermal process. Try looking up the geological history of your area. What i would recommend is sending a sample off to a petrology lab to get it identified (not sure on expenses) or probably a better idea is try calling a university and getting onto their earth science department and ask for a geochemist, petrologist or economic geologist because what you've found sounds extremely interesting!

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