Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > Fire alarms in my house WILL NOT quit going off?

Fire alarms in my house WILL NOT quit going off?

The house I live in is 13 years old. They have been going off randomly since Saturday. They all go off in unison and they will do it 5 or 6 times. We have checked and there's no fire. Please help


It's very possible. A squirrel once built a nest in my chimney, causing fumes to back into the house. Fortunately, it's a really stinky old oil burner so the fumes contained hydrocarbons as well as CO, so we were able to smell it. It did give everybody headaches. Get an HVAC technician to look at your furnace immediately, and you may want to turn the heat down as much as possible and keep a window open in the meantime. Either the exhaust is clogged and fumes are backing up out of the burner, or the heat exchanger is cracked allowing fumes to get into the air ducts. I wouldn't bet my life on those consumer-grade CO detectors. Their sensors get weak over time, and people have been found dead in their homes with CO poisoning even though they had CO detectors with working batteries. When's the last time you had your home's heating system serviced?
awe no.. its okay i have done the same thing but its not a big deal its their fault for not searching the store properly to make sure everyone was gone that is part of their job. lol . its okay just a afunny story to tell now!

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