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fire alarms in rentals?

we are currently living in a rental home in Colorado, so when the electrician came by to check our furnace, he said that we didn't have any fire or monoxide alarms and that required by law our landlords needed to install it in the house. We called our landlord, but she said that if we wanted it, we had to pay for it ourselves. The electrician said that it was our landlords responsibility to install the alarms, and that there was even places that you could call where they could inspect your home for health liabilities that the landlord would have to remove. I have a disabled child i do not want to risk her health in case of a fire. So what can I do? or whom do I call to help me with this situation? thanks in advance.


Do you have a sump pump? If so, check that it is working. If you have had a recent rain and the pump armature has frozen up, you will smell burning insulation.
Come on girl.. even I whose English not the first language can get it. OK here it goes 1 - People on foot are not allowed to walk, run or jog on bike lanes when there are sidewalks for them to walk common sense. 2 - People using skateboards may not use sidewalks, which are for people walking. 3 - Not allow to stand on the road to get lifts from cars 4 - at night is best to wear shiny clothes or wear a flashlight Can I ask, what country do you live in?? x
With your updated information I would recommend having an electrician check out the circuit breaker box. I'd bet your circuit breaker for the bathroom you were in is about to go bad. The smell of burning plastic could be from a wiring problem. What you're smelling is burning insulation around wires. Have you checked the area around your circuit breakers/box? Also, were you using some electrical applicance at the time your smoke detectors went off? Maybe a hair dryer, oven, clothes dryer, something that uses alot of electricity.

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