I was going to fry up some taco shells when my oil started on fire, I knew I shouldnt use water, but i did anyway cuz it was getting bigger and i didnt have any baking soda.. and threw it into the sink. i knew it would splash but it was better then catching my apartment on fire. I live in michigan and am wondering what the laws are on fire extinguishers. My last apartment had one from the landlord, I thought it was a law to have him in all apartments if you own them, and that it isnt the renters responsibility. we have very nice fire/smoke alarms :) thanks!
verrrrrrrry slim..sorry to say. You were probably looking for a funny answer but I rarely kid about Urine, Bash :)
A tank-bag is your best option or a small backpack.
If I really had to I would. LOL
Unlike dogs, us cats have class. _
Railroads set their speed limits, under guidelines from the Department of Transportation. It can be as fast as the railroad feels is safe for that section of track. Municipalities have and no say in the matter, they have tried in several locations to set a speed limit for trains and always lose in court. The fact that there are houses nearby has no bearing on track speed, it is controlled by grade, curvature, track structure and condition.