In the city of New York, is it legal for a fire hydrant to overlap a bus stop? Isn't that a safety hazard?
I do get tired of the same matches over and over again. Yes, these matches are boring.
We did that to Japanese americans already. Odd we did not restrict Italians from coming to america after world war two. a good idea would be to respect the achievements of all americans whether in cities, townships or villages as equalskeep your pubic hair privateok.
First off make sure your computer is off to stop the damage from continuing. (although it sounds like its already beyond help here are your options). 1. Assuming you can install and run things on your computer then I recommend going and getting Norton anti virus and solving this nightmare once and for all. 2. If you can't do that then you need to go through the harder route. Start your computer i safe mode with command prompt. Now if your a good dos man and know the dos commands then you might be able to copy data. Whether you are or not is a mute point that just determines if you lose anything. (I'm personally not) So now restart your computer but put in a windows CD. We have yet another fork in the path we can either A. Install a fresh copy of Windows (which means you lose everything and you start from new, or B you can try the repair option to restore your control panel. By the sounds of it your going to have to go with option 2 the b route. That means go to the store get yourself the exact version of windows your using (if your using windows xp professional don't go buying home edition because that won't help you.)
Nope. I am not a self-appointed wrestling critic, though. I'm just a fan.