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Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind.?

Ifthere were 4 people who controlled the powers, give your opinion on which one would be stronger if they fought against each other. What they can do is given below:Fire (medium ranged):Able to throw fire balls.Able to send lines of fire over 10 feet.Able to throw something and explode. (bombs, grenades)Ice (medium ranged):Able to send lines of frost over 10 feet.Able to cause instant frostbite.Able to send shards of ice like a shotgun.Lightning (long ranged):Able to send sparks (lightning) up to 5 kilometers.Voltage and current around half of an actual lightning bolt.Able to send continious multiple bolts of lightning over 5 km.Wind (melee):Able to jump high, control movement in mid-air and move very quickly.Crushes enemies using air pressure (very close ranged)Able to kick and punch with more force.Think like..they could only use those skills and they fought each other.


Yes you should be fine if you dont feel comfortable you can always just use the Goggles! Cheers
I wouldn't worry about that right now. If you are joining the military, you will be issued a pair of military glasses during basic training and after that, you may wear your own.
Ask the department chair In my Bio classes where safety goggles were required, those with glasses typically removed them before putting goggles on. Honestly don't remember how those with contact lenses dealt with it.
Most likely it is filled with carbon tetrachloride - a form of halon gas. The grenades were sometimes housed in a plastic shell with a soldered spring loaded piston. These were hung above potential fire hazards. The fire would melt the solder, the piston would then be driven into the grenade breaking it open and releasing the agent. Other versions were intended to be thrown into the fire, the liquid evaportating into a gas that put out the fire. Very dangerous stuff as carbon tet is very similar to chlorine gas. Toxic in low doses. Not good to breathe or play with.
Yes,it is possible. At work when we fill up balloons we have to wear them, so I just put them on over my glasses.

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