I am FED UP about my tires always going flat.Could I fill my tires with rubber or caulking or anythin that won‘t leak out of them and therefore never have to worry about flat tires again ?Is there such as thing as PLAIN tires or FULL RUBBER tires.This whole pneumatic thing is a big annoyance. I want my tires to last and never have to worry about having a flat or filling them with air.Thanks.
Pneumatics. Air. Your tires won't suffer flats if the air is not escaping. What brand and where do your tires come from.If they are inferior then that is one cause.And what kind of road surface do you drive on also has to do with your flats. Saw this on the tube. A tire company is experimenting on airless rubber tires. It is noisy though.They look like they have long spokes. See you.
I'm not so sure that you could fill them with rubber or caulking. But if you keep your tires aired up properly and avoid driving in construction sites and places where they can pick up pieces of plastic and glass, you could keep them inflated longer! Also, if you are losing air out around the stem of the tire, maybe you could take the tire to a retailer who could help repair that. I know that if you buy your tires at Discount Tire, they will repair and service your tires for free for the life of the tire.
If your tires are always going flat, it sounds as if you have a problem other than the tires, are using crappy tires, or you're driving in some dangerous areas. Solid rubber tires are available, but they would be very heavy and provide little friction/traction.