I got a flat tire, didn‘t know how so I go and put more air in the tire and notice that it is coming out of the little tube which you put the air in through, it is almost like the tube rubbed up against the rim and slit the a whole in the that tubeBasically is there any way I can repair that instead of getting a whole new tire?I bought that green slime stuff and tried that, the botte suggested it wouldn‘t work but I thought for eight bucks it was worth a shotdidnt work tho
Are you pulling over to park? Or are you stopping at a red light or stopsign, planning to take off again shortly? If you're parking, you shift all the way down as you're slowing down, to neutral. If you're planning to start again momentarily, you shift down to first. You sit at the light with your clutch lever held in until the light changes, then you take off again. It's harder to find neutral when shifting down, because it's only a 'half click' down from 2nd. So if you are shifting down into neutral (like to park) you might find it easier to shift all the way down to first, and then half a click up. If you're slowing down and think you might or might not have to stop (like approaching a crowded intersection), you shift down as you slow down, so at any point you can let out the clutch, apply some throttle, and take off again. This takes some practice, to know what gear to be in at what speed, but if you get it wrong, it's easy to pull in the clutch quickly and shift up or down one or two gears. It takes about half a second. A couple of weeks of actual riding will teach you all about this. It's easier to do than to explain.
Are you simply coming to a stop? Decelerate, shift down, decelerate, shift down, etc. until in first gear. Meanwhile braking. At the end, just before stalling, de-clutch and hold the bike stopped in first gear. Same as a car! Decelerate each gear down to first, de-clutch just before stalling, remaining in first gear. For safety you always in gear for the correct speed.
Depends on whether or not they are cycling in circles, because a constant speed of 3.6m/s and the circular motion associated with a 2.2m/s2 centripetal acceleration are not generally the same radius, so they may never meet each other. You're homework question is under constrained, although thinking about it, that's assuming the circular motion is constant . but even if it was varying, there would be a range of possible answers dependant upon what the mutual radius of curvature was anyway - so it's still under constrained.
That's the valve stem, a common problem. You won't need a new tire. All you have to do take the wheel and tire to a tire shop and ask them to put a new valve stem in it. Might cost you 20 bucks or so
A tire shop can replace the valve stem for you. Just a few bucks. They won't appreciate that you put the green slime in however. That stuff is OK for bicycle and lawn mower tires but not for highway tires.