my husband has high cholesterol and we are having a hard time trying to find the kinds of foods he can eat to lower it can you give me a all around list please help meddk5
I've lost 5 kilos in my first weekIt's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (egegg/ lean chicken) as you suggestedAfter 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming offIt truly feels like magic! Get started today!
people who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss
There is no easy wayOnly way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, and there is no target specific way to lose weight, only to tighten up those areasFat loss has to be body wide.
Basically, take a look at your calorie intake and try to keep it to the daily guidelineEat smaller portions more often to raise your metabolismTry to do ATLEAST 30 minutes of cardio work (running, exercise bike, eliptical machine) 3 times a week - however, the more you do and the more intense the workouts the more fat you will burnDon't eat for up to 2 hours before bed, as excess fuel you consume will be stored as fat when it's not usedWhen you can, try to exercise early in the morning - your cardio work is more efficient at this time than in the afternoonMost importantly.stick with it and be patientYou won't see results overnightOnly with persistence
High fiber low transfat with omega 3 and plenty of water and vitamins