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For anyone who believes homosexuality is a choice:?

I wasn't aware tha penguins as well as humans choose their sexuality.


Several answers here talk about 'being born with/without a moral compass', and link that to the 'choice' of being gay. First, I personally believe that being gay is sometimes innate and sometimes a matter of environment and sometimes a matter of choice; I don't see any great problem in that. But second, I really can assure you that it has *nothing* to do with the question of a moral compass. I am very much not gay. However, I have an unusual and (thankfully for society) an exceedingly rare condition. I was born without a 'moral compass' (to put it simplistically): I have no innate sense of right and wrong whatsoever, and instead have to rely on the application of intelligence and observation (and the patient direction first of my parents and then of my wife) to help me make my tortuous way through an alien (and believe me, to my eyes it *is* alien) world. So, I feel that I am proof positive that there is *no* association between a 'moral compass' and 'sexual orientation'. Truly.
Oh, LOL, they're confused penguins. I don't know how the tyme kitteh goes from being so reasonable to so UNreasonable when it comes to homosexuality.
So you are saying that I can't choose for myself? This is simply demonic activity in the animal world. Animals do not have free will like humans, and are more easily subject to spiritual influence. Humans have the will to be able to make choices. I chose to be heterosexual a long time ago and I am glad I did. I have chosen so far to continue that decision, but am free to decide either way I wish..
Most animals base everything on scent and touch, a lot of them don't even contain the intelligence to know the difference between a butt hole from a vagina. Scientists speculate that homosexuality is linked biologically in humans. Even if that might be true, it doesn't mean it is natural. Why is that? Well, there are several biological links to numerous things. Did you know that there are biological links to Alzheimer's and kleptomania ? There is also biological links to addiction. Also, notice I said scientistsspeculate. to speculate on something means to still be in the search for; homosexuality has not been proven. I have even read some of the things people post on here( I ignore the Wikipedia links) none of the scientific sites say homosexuality has been proven.
If you could choose to be gay I'd marry a lovely graceful woman who liked to shop with me, not a big hairy man who likes video games and thinks swords are interior decor. It would be more practical. But, alas, chicks do nothing for me and big nerdy guys do. If I had to choose between Uma Thurman and Bill Gates, I'd do Bill. That's just how I am and it always will be. Sexuality is not chosen. EDIT: Wisdom, straight folks do it in the butt too. None of the things you mentioned have one little thing to do with homosexuality. You are just scared and ignorant. I feel sorry for you.

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