I see comercials about cavallo boots and such and my horse doesn't get shoes because at the ranch I have him at there isn't anything hard or rocky for him to step on that would hurt. He also doesn't hold shoes very well and throws them a lot. I was thinking of getting these because I would like to go out on the trail more with him(on the streets and around the neighborhood is trail or will be trail for me soon due to ranch moves.)and do not want to cause him discomfort on the hard road. Also the area I will be riding him in will be grass and the cavallo boots can have studs put on them which would be good for him because I do jumping and on the slippery grass it would help a lot. but anyway I was wondering if they are as good as they say and if the quality is good.
I can't say I've noticed any, but we do have a UK fireman here on YA, ask him. :-)
i dont think we actually have do we?
Ok do I get the points for telling you to change the 9 volt battery:)
Yep, we have them, but unlike in America, we dont have them on top of the ground. We have little metal flaps on the top of the pavements/sidewalks with 'WATER' written on them. Very discreet. All they do is lift the flap, and connect the hose from the connection concealed within.