My Ford Focus front tire spins on a wet road briefly usually from a dead stop or a turn up a hill. I haven't driven in winter yet, and I was planning on purchasing 4 studded snow tires. The car is very light in the front with front wheel drive. Anybody reading this think I need weight in the trunk with the 4 studded snow tires. Thank You.
it wasn't the rat!! he refused to go down with the ship!!!
Since the investigation is ongoing, this question is a bit premature.
Unless u depend on a fired person's paycheck, why would you care? Employees are just replaced with more careful employees who know better CYA. A standard reason for either Party to want to have the WH is so they can use the IRS, FBI, CIA, and Justice Dept. to go after their Party's enemies and to collect exclusive industrial and other intelligence. Who do you think runs things, Snow White?
I have the SAME problem. Try washing you face with regular salt. This will exfoliate and get rid of any extra oils on your skin. It will also help blackheads disappear really fast. The TOP reason you have oily skin right after lunch is probably because you eat greasy food and then touch your face, so after you eat, consider washing your hands. Make sure your foundation doesn't have any oil in it. And don't buy any products with oil for your face.wash your face 2 times a day, and don't forget about the salt (: it really does work. Good luck (:
Steven Miller, Joseph Grant and it seems more are on the way EDIT: these guys got fired I'm sorry if it doesn't suit your personal tastes for how it is phrasedbut that's how it works in gov. sometimes would you rather Obama fire someone else just to sooth your anger and ignore the guy that did things incorrectly just because he's leaving or retiring soon?