
Fruit Juicing and Fibre?

Hi, alot of detox diets/ energy drinks/ whatever all insist on juicing fruits and veges before consumption for a purely liquid dietIt's supposed to help heal the liver and give it a breakBut I don't get why I can't just eat the whole thingThe solids left are mostly fibre - aren't they? and so the liver won't play much part in their digestionIt might even help by absorbing toxic waste secreted by the body and facilitating its removal?Please correct me if I am wrong!


Homemade Gravity Bong
Need help - I do not like fruit juice muchMost of it has 50 to 80% of the same amount of sugar as soda! But I do eat apples, oranges, grapefruit, berries, and bananas is some combination everydayTo cleanse or detox the digestive system, search foods high in soluble fiberSoluble fiber encapsulates fats and toxins as they pass through the system minimizing absorption of fats and re absorption of toxins15 bean soup is a great hot food right now high in soluble fiberInsoluble fiber like that in your fruits give the intestines a good workout by giving them something to push againstOh ya, that action (peristalsis) burns calories as wellDetoxing and/or cleansing have absolutely no medical benefit and are in fact harmful to the digestive system and internal organsThere is no build up of bad plaque in a normal systemIf we had a layer of undigested foods or toxins lining our systems, we would all be dying of malnutrition since we would be unable to absorb any nutrientsOur bodies detox 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, and kidneysWe can help detox by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and saltLots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans, peas, and brown rice keep a system as healthy as it can beThe less processed your food is, the betterMinimal alcohol, caffeine, sodaTry to drink 100 oz of ice cold water per dayRead food labelsIf you can't pronounce it, don't put it in your bodyExtreme detoxing diets or supplements actually flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive systemSpend your money in the produce department instead of giving it to someone peddling unproven, unregulated, and even dangerous productsGood luck.
It would have more of a filtering effect then a no cigs are so much worse for your lungs, like 10xI would worry about your brain you can smoke yourself retarded on pot
You think using a homeade bong is bad? Smoking weed is bad for your lungsIf I was smoking weed, which i would never do, i would be more worried about the weed then of a stupd bongYou know how people say there is no such thing as a stupid question? Well there is and you just asked it.

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