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gain muscle without bench pressing?

can i gain muscle without bench pressing cause ive heard it doesnt and does affect ur growth


Yes you can still build an impressive chest without a bench press. Body weight exercises like range from the basics like push ups and pull ups, to the more extreme like muscle ups and planches. Will weight lifting stunt growth? Absolutely not. This is a very common misconception, and comes from a poor understanding of the body. Growth is primarily controlled by our hormones. Weight lifting (like any physical sport) will increase lean mass and the production of testosterone, which will facilitate (not impede) growth. Physically, the only way to stunt growth is to cause trauma to Epiphyseal Plates (growth plates) located at the ends of the long bones. So the only way to cause this damage in weight lifting, is to drop a weight directly on these plates, like the knee or elbow. You are much more likely to cause this sort of trauma in almost any sort of contact sport like hockey, football or soccer.
yeah you can always do it by yourself like by doing sit ups and push us are just as good and they dont cost any money.

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