Gas water heater in the kitchen why the kitchen leader can not beat the fire but the bathroom can be the shower and the bathroom faucet can not beat the fire
The fountain plugged it out of the fountain
The circuit that opens the water heater requires a pressure difference between the instantaneous impulse of the water pressure. So, with the break can quickly open. The general leader is a knob type, open relatively slow
The outlet of the outlet of the filter is blocked, spin down to clean down on the dawling of the dagger. After cleaning can not beat the fire, the water pressure is too low, plus booster pump for your reference, the specific situation is different
Look at the above two pictures, you should know what is the reason for it. This is my hand shot. Faucet inside the filter, every time there will always be a little residue residue, open the wash on it. If you remove the slag effect is not ideal, you can use a diluted vinegar bubble a bubble, or simply replace the filter, remove the filter is also a way.