I need to pack a bushfore emergency kit for a school geography assignment. I have water, blankets, first aid kit, torch, etc; but am unsure of what kind of clothes to include. They need to be non-flammable. Any ideas? (I don't think i've got any woollen clothes).
well, to tell u the truth - piercing ur own belly is really dangerous - my friend did the same thing ended up in hospital.(u need a sterilised needle and it need to be thick- and u need to be qualified to do piercings u guys are just teenagers) but to keep it from getting infected wash it with palmolive anitbacterial soap (comes in a hand pump soap thing and its yellow/orange colour) dont do any heavy sports as it will kill your belly!
It is always best to dress in a suit. Your not showing off that you have a suit but come prepared and ready for the interview and not conveying to them that your a slob or someone that doesn't really care for the interview. If your going for those jobs though always answer with yes sir or yes mam or no mam and no sir. It shows respect and you will be working with a lot of high ranking officers and many of them are from the military.
Oh gawd. Safety pins can't be cleaned properly, they'd dissolve if you tried. I know you probably won't listen to me, but please take it out? Safety pins are a lot smaller in guage than belly bars, so you'll have to stretch it if you want to change, and it'll probably close up if you try.. But its done now. Though I'd probably go to the doctors and get tested for every blood bourne pathogen known to man. Don't use any alcohol on it, just sea salt soaks, saline or H20cean, twice a day. Ibuprofen for any swelling, and ice cold compresses on it if it does swell. When you change the jewellery, don't just get it from some friend from school. Buy something new. You don't want other peoples belly crust inside you, and you won't be able to clean it off. When you buy something new, make sure its surgical steel or titanium and fairly plain. No dangly bits to catch on stuff, it'll help healing. You'll be lucky if you don't get an infection, and it'll probably reject from the wrong placement. Its harder to do than it appears. People go to professionals for a reason.