Home > categories > Security & Protection > Fire Hose > Got arrested for spraying fire extinguisher in building?

Got arrested for spraying fire extinguisher in building?

Me an my friend went into this open construction building an they just had fire extinguishers there no lock or nothing so we sprayed them in there and we got busted. What my qeustion is they charged us for vandalism an there gunna make us pay for damagesHow much damage can a freaking dusty fire extinguisher do? Besides vacumming it up i mean it wasnt even cold like i thought. How much damage can these do on proporty ?


well i would say use the stopper on the toe part, but i have fallen everytime i tried that and even broke my nose once lol
I'd prefer to see a reverse of that. I'd like a bill that hangs every journalist and anyone who gives government secrets away to them. No, I'm apposed to this. There are security issues that should never be leaked and the people who leak them, including the journalist, should pay a price.
GET EVERYONE OUT OF THE HOUSE, infants and children need to be rushed out as soon as possible, that sounds like a major gas leak, everybody need to be evacuated and then call 911.
The toes have a rubber stopper/brake. Put a toe down - gently - or you'll go *** over tea kettle. ;-)
use the stoper pads on the toes of the skates

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