We use about 25 Rubber type material belts at work they run by rollers that leave a natural grey grease all over them. They scrape off by like my fingernail but scrubbing it with a scour pad does no justice. We've tried Bleach (destroys the belts) Mineral Oil, Liquid 30 Bi chloride (has bleach in it.) Something that won't destroy the belts but make the grease come off easy. If we soak them in hot water for long periods of time they shrink. These belts are $70 a piece.
1. I could really care less what my doctor thinks about me personally but it is nice to know that he is using good hygiene!
I feel he has washed his hands and put on the gloves, not only to protect himself but to protect me. If he did not put on gloves, after washing his hands, of course, then I would think that he did not adhere to infection control. Then he would be spreading what another patient had in the room he was in before he came in to examine me! I would feel safe knowing he practiced Universal Precautions and maintaining infection control.
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I doubt it. For one thing, Weis has a long contract with a costly buyout for ND. Secondly, ND took a lot of flack for firing Willingham too quickly when things weren't looking so hot. Bet they're missing Willingham now. I think they'll keep Weis for at least one more year.
They're putting on the gloves for their protection AND yours. Would you really want them to NOT use gloves? That would be beyond disgusting. It's not about not wanting physical contact with you - it's about safety. And ask yourself this: if you had to touch someone with a possibly really infectious disease, wouldn't you want to use gloves? If they didn't want to be in close, intimate contact with people then they wouldn't have become doctors.