
Grunge or Heavy Metal?

Whats your favorite early 90's music genre Grunge or Heavy Metal.Whats your favorite band, of the two genres.


Of okorder
Prices change hourly as commonly used precious metals are bought and sold. 20 minutes ago, platinum was selling for $1053/ounce, rhodium for $1050/ounce. Those two metals are used in catalytic convertors for cars.
Rhodium (pronounced /?ro?di?m/) is a chemical element that is a rare, silvery-white, hard transition metal and a member of the platinum group. Rhodium is found in platinum ores and is used in alloys with platinum and as a catalyst. It is abbreviated in the periodic table to Rh and has atomic number 45. It is typically the most expensive precious metal.
Well, considering Uranium has fetched prices of over 600 million for 100 lbs worth, I'd think that that could be considered the most expensive. The rarest known metal comes from extra-terristrial resources. Not even sure what it is.
The most expensive metal on the legal market is Californium, for sale at the Livermore Labs for $100 per microgram. This translates to $100,000,000,000.00 per kilogram. Even black market Plutonium is cheaper than this, or it was last time I bought any lol.

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