can someone tell me the difference between the happy mouth loose ring roller snaffle and the french ring snaffle. seems the happy mouth has soft material wrapped around the wire that's underneath..
I've had some luck using WD40, a spray lubricant, to clean and lubricate locks. Spray any place you think it may get into the lock. Put something under it to catch the excess oil. Good luck
If you are having problems with leaks go ahead and replace. I did this one time but only did part of the house each time there was a problem. I used PVC and CPVC. CPVC is for hot water and the fittings are a bit different in size from PVC. Copper is good but out of my price range. Plus cutting and glueing PVC and CPVC is very quick compared to cutting copper and sweating it together. If you use copper make sure to use solder that has no lead or your concern for galvanized pipe contamination is for not.
Ok Probably the best $80 you'll ever spend on a rod don't forget to read up on the reviews and questions answers section when looking for a new rod.