I‘m looking for a new Semi-auto (light-weight) shot gun that I can put a rifled barrel on and use as a slug gun. I was looking around and found out Benelli‘s semi-autos have an inertia system instead of a gas one. Does that system still use the recoil of the gun? How does it work different from the gas. (and if you know of any good light-weight semi-auto slug guns please feel free to post any oppinions or info on that) (except Remingtons, I can‘t stand em)
I hunt waterfowl with an M2 and like it. I've had several semi autos over the past 40 years and find the Benelli to be my favorite. Keep in mind that most of the name brands build a quality shotgun and the biggest thing to consider is how it feels (fits) to you.
I have an M1 tactical with a pistol grip and ghost ring sights. I have mixed and matched a variety of different rounds in the tube and have had no trouble or any jams. For example, I have loaded skeet, a 2.75 slug, skeet, a 3 inch BBB goose load, skeet, etc. It shoots them all without a hitch. I don't know if I would call it light weight, but it shoots slugs good with the ghost ring sights, and is a well-made weapon.
No. The heat has to be even.You'd be better off sticking it in an oven.
Benellis are over rated. They bleed off excess gas after the action cycles and compensates with their inertia management system. The price tag alone is enough to shy away most experienced hunters. That, coupled with the fact that Remington and even old Winchester semis have a better established reputation, doesn't interest me in the least. I'd rather have a pump action any day such as my 870.